
Tournament Director’s office and registration desk

The office of the Tournament Director as well as the registration desk will be open: during the entire tournament. For any information needed please contact us per mail. Exact times to follow

Airport an arrival information

Innsbruck Airport is located 30 minutes away from Hall in Tirol. There ist a frequent connection via bus and train to Hall in Tirol. Destinations throughout the world are within daily, easy reach via the Vienna and Frankfurt hubs. More information to be found under
Also Munich and Salzburg airports are nearby (2 hours drive).

City of Hall in Tirol

Hall in Tirol is one of Austria’s most beautiful towns: Tradition and modernity, urban chic and scenic natural beauty build enthralling contrasts and unexpected harmonies.Discovering the largest historic Town Hall in Tirol, you will find yourself in what could well be the Tyrol’s most beautiful town. It has one of Austria’s best-preserved historic cores and serves as an excellent example of how a successful symbiosis with modern architectural designs can be achieved, e.g. the salt warehouse, the new UMIT university and the Parkhotel.

The fine buildings in Hall’s Old Town testify to the settlement’s prosperous past. Salt mining in the Middle Ages transformed Hall into the north Tyrol’s main commercial centre. Even then the town was an important trading post on the River Inn, and in the middle of the 15th century the provincial mint was established here, thereby creating the important preconditions for the advancement of the town to even greater commercial prosperity.


The daytime temperatures in November linger around -5 to 0°Celsius with quite cold nights around -10 °Celsius.

Credit cards

All major credit cards, including Eurocard, Diners, VISA and Mastercard are accepted in restaurants, hotels and stores.


The power supply in Austria is 220/240 Volt-current. Most electric outlets adhere to the continental standard (Schuko). Appliances from North America require a transformer and British appliances require an adaptor for the two-pin sockets in use in Austria.

Taxes & Tipping

The standard tax rate is 20%, however, some services such as hotel, food and transport have a reduced rate of 10%. Most services do not include tipping. In higher class restaurants it is common to give up to 10% of the total. For any other services (taxi, restaurants, hotel) it is up to you how much you want give.